Inspiring HOPE in the midst of chaos.
The world seems to be upside-down and inside-out right now, but God remains in control.
At Jewish Voice, we are praying for YOU - for your family, for your friends, and for our world. We are committed to proclaiming the promises of God especially in this difficult time.
Each week, a member of our leadership team will be presenting daily devotional content to keep you connected with the promises that God has for us. To keep up-to-date and in-the-know for each week, sign-up using the button below.
A message from Ezra Benjamin
Ezra and Tamar share about our upcoming devotional series and the importance of focusing on the Word of God in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This week's devotional series:
Shavuot (Pentecost) is coming up this week! This period of time we are in has historically been one of waiting in hopeful anticipation of what the Lord has in store for the season ahead for God’s people. We have a new set of devotionals in our Hope in the Midst series to help you celebrate and reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness. This week’s topic is, Ezra-Nehemiah: In 3-Part Harmony. Be encouraged through the reminders that despite any opposition or disappointing circumstances, God’s plans and promises always come to pass!
Last week's devotional series:
The differences between life now and life when the New Testament was written are not a numerous as we often assume. In this week's devotional series, Hope from the Book of Ephesians, you will find daily reminders of how God reveals His character to us in the ordinary things we experience each day - and how His Word is alive and able to encourage us to hope.
Previous week's devotional series:
In this devotional series, we will look to the words of Rav Shaul (Rabbi Paul) the Apostle as he wrote to the Romans. Paul adjures the community of Jesus’ disciples to find hope in the midst of the challenging situations in their lives. Let’s look together at Paul’s words over the next week and see how we can apply them to strengthen our hope day by day.
Each week's devotional, all in one place.
Click the button below to visit our library of content from each week. Each devotional is designed to encourage and inspire you - so we don't want you to miss a single one.