Don't Miss Our Next Prayer Event!
Celebrating our 56th Year of Ministry
Only God knows what 2023 will bring; but at Jewish Voice, we know that your prayers make all the difference. We look forward to another great year of ministry, and another year of praying together with you as Yeshua uses our ministry to build His Kingdom. Will you commit today to joining us in prayer?
Thank you! We will keep you updated regarding future prayer events.
God is Moving Us Forward
We believe no Jewish person is too far away, geographically or spiritually, to hear about their Messiah. And God is calling us forward to reach the remaining “Lost Tribes” Jewish communities worldwide with the Good News of Jesus.
Because prayer is vital to carrying out the Lord’s work, we know how much we all need it. Prayer forms the foundation from which ministry rises, and it directs and equips us to accomplish it.
Jewish Voice has been sharing the Good News of Jesus with Jewish people throughout the world for the last 55 years. Through humanitarian Outreaches you’ve helped us meet desperate needs and open doors to the Gospel.
Over the years, multitudes have come to faith in the Messiah. Your prayers for this many-faceted work make all the difference as we move forward to follow God into what He calls us to accomplish together.