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S3 EP8 | Christian and Jewish Thoughts on the Messiah

Is Jesus a personal Savior of individuals or a national Redeemer of Israel? Christians and Jewish people tend to have different pictures of the Messiah. In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Ezra and Carly dig into the Christian and Jewish concepts of a biblical Messiah, and how they intersect and differ. And all of it reveals a deeper understanding of where each is coming from, providing a bigger scope for dialogue between Jewish and Christian friends. They discuss:

  • The general idea of a Messiah
  • The role personal sin plays in thoughts of the Messiah – big deal or not so much?
  • A process Christians may think Jewish people go through to conclude Jesus is not the Messiah, but do they?
  • Four specific biblical requirements of the Messiah that Jewish people are looking for

Along the Way

Along the way, you’ll hear about:

  • A Jewish rabbi that tens of thousands of Jewish people believe is the Messiah
  • Deeper insight – from the Jewish perspective – into why the disciples, followers and even John the Baptist asked Jesus to “tell us plainly, are you the Messiah?”
  • Why Isaiah 53 doesn’t reveal Jesus as Messiah to Jewish people
  • A straightforward verse from the apostle Paul, laying out how Jesus fulfilled some essential Messianic prophecies
  • Three questions to elicit deeper conversation about the Messiah between Christian and Jewish friends
  • The encouragement to ask us questions!
  • The encouragement to embrace the “tension” between the concepts of the Messiah being both personal Savior and national Redeemer


Words You Might Learn in This Episode

Mashiach, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, Sar Shalom, Yeshu, Cristos, Christ


Scriptures Referenced in This Episode

Jeremiah 31:29–34, Isaiah 35:5, Isaiah 61:1, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 9:7, Acts 1:6–9, Isaiah 53:1–12, Matthew 5:17, Luke 15:7, Luke 18:9–14, Matthew 23:25–26, John 10:22–39, Matthew 11:1–6, 1 Corinthians 15:3–8, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53:8, Psalm 16:9–10, Romans 1:16, John 3:16, Mark 13:8–10


Previous Episodes Mentioned

S3 E5 – Why Jews Meet on Saturday and Christians on Sunday

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This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

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