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Jewish Voice, A Legacy of Prayer

by Paula Walberer
March 01, 2017

It only makes sense that Jewish Voice Ministries, or Jewish Voice Broadcasts (JVB) as it was originally known, was birthed and bathed in prayer. As a young man, JVMI founder Louis Kaplan came to faith in Yeshua in a prayer meeting. He saw prayer as the modus operandi for the ministry right from the start. Those who were with JVB in those early days recall how anytime there was a pressing need that couldn’t be met through man’s resources or effort, Brother Kaplan would issue a call to prayer—literally, an out-loud shout for the staff to come pray, now! When he prayed, there was a deep sense that Heaven heard, and sure enough, the miraculous answers would come from unexpected sources, often just in time. His prayers were not only answered, but through those answers and his total dependence on God, the faith of the whole team was strengthened.

Chira Kaplan was a woman of prayer and a true intercessor in her own right. As editor of Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine, she could often be seen in her office, head bowed, as she interceded over the articles and themes to be presented in the next issue. Chira would gather other intercessors for prayer, one of whom is once again involved in prayer at Jewish Voice as an onsite intercessor today. This prayer partner remembers the fervency, freedom, and community of those early prayer times with Chira and others. Praying for Israel, the salvation of the Jewish people, Jewish Voice itself, and for our many wonderful partners has always been the core of our prayer mandate.

The time came when the Kaplans faced the reality that a new leader for the ministry would become necessary, and as always, they took their needs to the Lord in prayer. He led them to Jonathan Bernis, who in turn prayed to be sure of the Lord’s will as he felt the weight of the stewardship being presented to him as Jewish Voice’s leader. Once he took on that mantle, Jonathan was careful that the transition was also covered diligently in prayer. He wasn’t just taking on one ministry; he was merging two ministries, Jewish Voice Broadcasts and Hear O’ Israel Ministries. Staff members from that season recall the emphasis on prayer and how they experienced the Lord’s guidance and help in building on the foundational vision to move forward. Rabbi Jonathan led them in praying it through from start to finish.

Every outreach, whether a medical clinic or festival, includes a prayer leader, intercessors, and a space dedicated to worship and prayer, as well as a prayer strategy to seek the Lord for His results and purposes for that particular outreach. We have seen the Lord do amazing things in answer to these prayers. Sometimes it seems like the answers come as quickly as we call on the Lord. At other times, we must diligently press in over time to receive the breakthrough we are seeking on behalf of those to whom we are reaching out. Either way, the Lord gains the victory and the glory.

Today, we ensure the flame of intercession is kept going by many ways. Our Prayer Points updates go out twice a month by email to thousands of people. Outreaches are covered in prayer not only at the outreach site and our headquarters, but all around the globe. We have an online prayer calendar, and we invite our email prayer partners to sign up for specific time slots during each of our outreaches. In this way, the ministry in the field is literally covered in round-theclock prayer by hundreds of faithful prayer partners. Jewish Voice continues to expand with increasing desires for much prayer and many intercessors.

Regardless of the location, the number of prayer partners, or the method by which we engage in intercession, we continue to ground our prayers in the heart and promises of God.

Jewish Voice relies on the fact that as His sheep, we are able to hear His voice, and through His Word and Spirit gain instruction and revelation as to how to pray, what to do, and when to do it. We are completely dependent on God for the immediacy and availability of His presence and guidance in every aspect of the ministry. That only comes through prayer. We are so grateful for every person who is praying alongside us, either here, in the field, or from home. It is reaping eternal fruit!

It is interesting to look back on 1967 and see what was going on in the world at the time Jewish Voice began. Like now, the Middle East was in great unrest, and nations were conspiring against Israel. In the United States, there were 159 race riots that year. However, 1967 was also the year when Israel won a great victory in the Six-Day War and regained Jerusalem. By most accounts, 1967 was a time that both the Jesus Movement and the present-day Messianic Movement began. Also at that time, a renewed awareness and experience of the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to sweep across denominations.

Today, in our nation and abroad we experience things we never envisioned would be true. We watch the news at times in disbelief. Fear and hopelessness seem to be on the rise. Yet, we as Believers need not react to what the enemy is doing; we must be confident that he is reacting to what he sees and knows the LORD is doing! As a ministry, we know that the challenges of the times are not reserved to the evening news. The Lord is calling Jewish Voice to expand to new locations, more outreaches, and increased growth in discipleship and congregational development. We are already experiencing new and increasing challenges in the field. We know we must, in turn, rely even more intently upon God and His power expressed through answered prayer. Just as the Lord moved mightily around the world in 1967, He can and will do it again in response to the prayers of His people in each and every nation He calls Jewish Voice Ministries to, and especially in the Land and people of Israel.

We have partnered and labored together to reap the rewards of eternal impact for nations, regions, and thousands and thousands of people across the globe.

We are grateful to each one of you and to the many who continue to swell the ranks of intercessors who are standing in the gap with us for Israel, for Jewish Voice Ministries, and for the salvation of the Jewish people and their neighbors around the world. We bless you in the name of Yeshua, and together we will watch and see what the Lord will do in these next 50 years in response to fervent, united prayer!

From the beginning of Jewish Voice through today, and on into our tomorrows, prayer has been and will continue to be indispensable.

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