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The Counting of the Omer

March 18, 2023

A Season of Expectancy

Join us on a journey of expectant prayer, from deliverance to destiny, as we move from Passover and Resurrection to Shavuot and Pentecost through the Counting of the Omer.

The Lord commanded the Jewish people to “count the omer,” or count day by day, for 49 days (seven weeks) from Passover toward Shavuot. (See Leviticus 23:15–16 and Deuteronomy 16:9–12.) This observance’s name comes from the omer, a measurement of grain and refers to the wave offering the priest made on the day after Passover.

We are excited to be on this journey with you as we count the days, remembering God's goodness and faithfulness and seeking Him for an outpouring of His Spirit in our day!

Count with us! Here's how:

  • NIGHT: We count each evening after sundown because Jewish days begin at night
  • BE PRESENT: To avoid counting as a task to be checked off each night, begin by prayerfully pausing to enter into the moment with the Lord
  • BLESSING: We recite the blessing standing:
    • Jewish people traditionally say, "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to count the omer."
    • Gentile Believers in Yeshua may want to say, "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us through Yeshua the Messiah, and commanded Your people to count the omer."
  • COUNT: Announce the count for the day out loud, for instance, "Today is the first day of the omer." (Note that once the number of days exceeds seven, we also count the weeks as instructed in Deuteronomy 16:9.)
  • PSALM 67: At this point in the counting declaration, it's traditional to read Psalm 67. How powerful it is to read this passage daily for 49 days.
  • PRAY: Pray for the daily prayer points. You could also reflect on what the Lord is speaking to you during your daily prayers and devotions over these 49 days.
  • FINDING THE START DATE: This Counting of the Omer Prayer Guide does not include specific dates. That's so you can refer to it year after year. You can find the relevant dates each year on the internet.
  • STAYING ON TRACK: To keep up with the days, you might want to print a copy of this 49-day count and write in the dates for the current year. Even Jewish people reference how Counting the Omer is similar to Advent and Lent for Believers and that using a homemade "Omer calendar" (similar to an advent calendar) to count the days can be helpful and fun.

Week 1 – Expectancy and Thanksgiving

The seven-week period of the Counting of the Omer was the time between the barley and wheat harvests. Through the counting, the Israelites were to remember God's faithfulness and provision toward them, which included leading them out of Egypt and providing them with manna in the wilderness. (An omer is the same amount of manna they were to gather each day.) The Counting of the Omer also reminds us of the significance of receiving the Law at Mount Sinai, which occurred 50 days after our Passover deliverance from Egypt. 

The Counting of the Omer ties Passover – and Yeshua’s (Jesus’) death, burial, and resurrection – to the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai and the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, although, on today’s calendar, the dates vary year by year. In Acts chapter 2, the day that the Believers were gathered together was a specific day. It was Shavuot. This day is also known as Pentecost, which means 50 and refers to the 50 days after Passover. On this day, God poured out His Holy Spirit on Believers, leading to an incredible harvest of souls.

During our daily counting this first week, we’ll connect with the Lord in various ways to help set the stage for the coming weeks with thanksgiving.

Day 1

“Today is the first day of the omer.” Lord, prepare me to take a prayer journey of expectancy and hope with You over the next 49 days.

Day 2

“Today is the second day of the omer.” Show me the depth and riches of Your death, burial and resurrection. (See 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.)

Day 3

“Today is the third day of the omer.” Because You are the first fruits, I thank You that I am alive in You now and evermore!  (See 1 Corinthians 15:20-23.)

Day 4

“Today is the fourth day of the omer.” Thank You, Lord, that, like the Children of Israel, You have delivered me! (Reflect on how.)

Day 5

“Today is the fifth day of the omer.” Celebrate your salvation by remembering how you met the Lord. (See Romans 5:8.)

Day 6

“Today is the sixth day of the omer.” Lord, I believe You have good works that You have prepared for me to do. (See Ephesians 2:10.)

Day 7

“Today is the seventh day of the omer.” Lord, my prayer today is to pursue You again as my first love.

Week 2 – Prepare Your Heart

Over these next weeks, we will pray for many aspects of the Lord's plans and purposes regarding His Chosen People, His Land, and the Nations. However, this week, our daily prayer points focus on preparing our own hearts for the journey toward Shavuot and Pentecost.

The Lord is doing great things among His people, both Jewish and Gentile, and He is calling us to wait on Him, seek Him and be a part of how He is moving.

May the Lord help us make space in our busy lives for quiet time with Him, including this simple, expectant rhythm of Counting the Omer each day.

Day 8

“Today is the eighth day, which is one week and one day of the omer.”

Lord, may I be sensitive enough to hear Your invitation to draw near – and do so! (See Psalm 27:8.)

Day 9

“Today is the ninth day, which is one week and two days of the omer.”

Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (See Psalm 139:23–24.)

Day 10

“Today is the tenth day, which is one week and three days of the omer.”

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. (See Psalm 51:10.)

Day 11

“Today is the eleventh day, which is one week and four days of the omer.”

Lord, give me a fresh revelation of Your amazing love and an openness to receive it. (See Ephesians 3:17–19.)

Day 12

“Today is the twelfth day, which is one week and five days of the omer.”

Thank You that, because of Yeshua, I can approach Your throne with confidence. (See Hebrews 4:15–16.)

Day 13

“Today is the thirteenth day, which is one week and six days of the omer.”

Lord, prepare me to be devoted to prayer over these next weeks of the Counting of the Omer. (See Colossians 4:2.)

Day 14

“Today is the fourteenth day, which is two weeks of the omer.”

Give me a heart like Paul, whose heart’s desire and prayer to You was that Israel would be saved. (See Romans 10:1.)

Week 3 – Fill up on God’s faithfulness!

Last week, as we counted the omer each day, we took time to prepare our hearts for this 49-day pilgrimage toward harvest and Pentecost. This week, we will fill up on reminders of God’s faithfulness. The truth is, one week or even 49 days isn’t nearly long enough to remember and recount all the wonderful things the Lord has done for His people Israel or us personally.

God’s relationship with Israel is His object lesson to the world about His love, power, and character. He lets non-Jewish people in on His interactions with Israel to “show and tell” who He is and who His people are. His faithfulness to Israel is encouragement regarding His faithfulness to all Believers.

I Thessalonians 5:23-24 says, “May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus [the Messiah]. The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”

As the Scripture above says, may the Lord sanctify us (set us apart for His purposes) as we count the omer. May He remind us of His promises and fill us with faith as we look to Him to keep His promises to His people, just as He said. He is a promise-keeping, covenant-keeping God. He has delivered His people to fulfill their destiny, and He will do it!

Day 15

“Today is the 15th day, which is two weeks and one day of the omer.

Lord, You have promised to never leave or forsake me, nor to leave your Chosen People. Show them that You are with them now, in Israel and around the world. (See Deuteronomy 31:6.)

Day 16

“Today is the 16th day, which is two weeks and two days of the omer.”

You have loved Your people with an everlasting love; that is why You continue to draw them to Yourself with loving-kindness. May they realize You are drawing them today! (See Jeremiah 31:3.)

Day 17

“Today is the 17th day, which is two weeks and three days of the omer.”

Thank You that You have said I am accepted in the Beloved. Thank You also that You will not reject Your people. (See Jeremiah 31:37.)

Day 18

“Today is the 18th day, which is two weeks and four days of the omer.”

Abba, in You, there is hope for Your people Israel’s future. Return them, and their children, to their Land and to You. (See Jeremiah 31:17.)

Day 19

“Today is the 19th day, which is two weeks and five days of the omer.”

You have established a testimony of faithfulness in Your people so the next generation will know and set their confidence in You – may it be so! (See Psalm 78:1-7.)  

Day 20

“Today is the 20th day, which is two weeks and six days of the omer.”

Lord, I praise You for Your promise that You will cleanse Your people, give them a new heart and put Your Spirit in them. (See Ezekiel 36:25-27.)

Day 21

“Today is the 21st day, which is three weeks of the omer.”

Father, I stand on Your promises to bless Your people and those who bless them – because You are faithful! (See Genesis 12:1-3.)

Week 4 – Delight In Who God Is

It’s week four of Counting the Omer. May each day be a delight as we count towards Shavuot and consider various aspects of the Lord’s heart for Israel, His love for us individually, and His active engagement in His purposes for His people today.

Last week, we considered God’s promises to Israel. He continues to call His Chosen People and Believers from deliverance to destiny. He does this by His purposeful pursuit of us and His commitment to keeping His promises, which speak volumes about who He is.

This week, we’ll look at more ways the Lord makes Himself known by considering some of His names through which He associates Himself with Israel.

Let’s also take time to consider, “Who is the Lord to me personally? Do I experience Him as Savior? Father? Bridegroom? Provider?”  Or perhaps by another of His names? As we grow in Him, going through times of trials and blessings, He reveals Himself to us in increasing dimensions of His glorious Person. He is so amazing and faithful to help us get to know Him better in every season of life.

Let’s count the omer and prayerfully note some of the ways the Lord identifies Himself by name to His people. May these day-by-day truths about who He is build in us a growing anticipation and expectation of the veil being lifted from Jewish eyes and their deliverance into their destiny as they come to know Him.

Day 22

“Today is the 22nd day, which is three weeks and one day of the omer.”

Creator of Israel, as Jewish people in Israel and around the world experience the beauty of Your creation, may they be drawn to acknowledge You as the One who made them and the Source of all life. (See Isaiah 43:15.)

Day 23

“Today is the 23rd day, which is three weeks and two days of the omer.”

Holy One of Israel, we pray that Your righteous judgments come to pass on behalf of Your people. May they desire to know Your guidance and counsel. (See Isaiah 5:19.)

Day 24

“Today is the 24th day, which is three weeks and three days of the omer.”

Redeemer of Israel, You have faithfully kept Your Word to Your Chosen People. Help them to know You personally as their Redeemer. (See Isaiah 49:7.)

Day 25

“Today is the 25th day, which is three weeks and four days of the omer.”

King of Israel, Nathanael recognized You as Israel’s King and the Son of God. May Jewish people recognize You for who You truly are and receive You. (See John 1:49.)

Day 26

“Today is the 26th day, which is three weeks and five days of the omer.”

Deliverer of Israel, just as You delivered Your people from Egypt, You have come to save all Israel and deliver them from their sins. (See Romans 11:26.)

Day 27

“Today is the 27th day, which is three weeks and six days of the omer.”

Shepherd of Israel, may You shine forth and lead Your people to Yourself! (See Psalm 80:1.)

Day 28

“Today is the 28th day, which is four weeks of the omer.”

Keeper of Israel, regardless of the threat, thank You for faithfully and continually watching over Israel, both the Land and the Jewish people (See Psalm 121:4-5.)

Week 5 – The Lord Himself Calls Us to Pray for Israel

One thing the Lord has impressed on us during these 49 days of Counting the Omer is to deepen our own hearts of prayer for Israel and the Jewish people. Prayer is a high and rewarding calling. It is the Lord Himself who calls us to pray for Israel and gives us His Spirit to help us in those prayers. Lord, please help us now!

As we continue counting, let’s allow our own longings to be vessels of prayer filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit to grow and grow. Out of love for the Lord, may we desire to see His Kingdom come and His will be done in every regard for His Land, His people, and for His glory. And may we give Him no rest until it is so.

Day 29

“Today is the 29th day, which is four weeks and one day of the omer.”

Lord, examine and touch my own heart so that my desire and prayer are like Paul's – for all Israel to be saved! (See Romans 10:1.)

Day 30

“Today is the 30th day, which is four weeks and two days of the omer.”

God, raise up intercessors who will “not hold their peace” for Zion's sake. (See Isaiah 62:1.)

Day 31

“Today is the 31st day, which is four weeks and three days of the omer.”

Lord, would You, Yourself, set millions of watchmen in place who will intercede for Israel. (See Isaiah 62:6a.)

Day 32

“Today is the 32nd day, which is four weeks and four days of the omer.”

Through Your Holy Spirit, Lord, ignite a global movement of those who will cumulatively pray day and night, 24-7, for Israel and the Jewish people. (See Isaiah 62:6b.)

Day 33

“Today is the 33rd day, which is four weeks and five days of the omer.”

Father, stir us as Your people to persistent prayer, asking You to make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth. (See Isaiah 62:7.)

Day 34

“Today is the 34th day, which is four weeks and six days of the omer.”

Help us, Lord, to be faithful in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and all that it represents – Your city, Your Land, and Your people. (See Psalm 122:6.)

Day 35

“Today is the 35th day, which is four weeks and seven days of the omer.”

Lord, would You engage 100 million intercessors worldwide in prayer for Israel and call them to intercede for Your people and Land for a lifetime. (See Psalm 116:2.)

Week 6 – Good Soil and a Fruitful Harvest – In Ourselves and Among Israel

In ancient Israel, the Counting of the Omer built expectancy and hope for an abundant harvest. The steady, day-by-day progression of counting can also cultivate a daily rhythm of self-examination. This is especially significant as our season of counting culminates in celebrating the giving of God’s instruction (Torah) and the Holy Spirit.

This week we’ll pray into themes of harvest and salvation as we intercede for the Jewish people. Let’s also examine ourselves regarding good soil, fruitfulness, sowing and reaping. Are we careful regarding who we allow to influence our lives and how we spend our time? Are we delighting in and meditating on the Word? If so, we will be grounded, fruitful and prosperous. (Psalm 1:1–3) This is a time to note and deal with any hard-heartedness that may have taken root.

As we seek the Lord, He will soften our hearts with showers of righteousness (Hosea 10:12). Our hearts will be like good soil as we receive, hear and understand God’s Word. (Matthew 13:23) We can pray confidently for global revival among the Jewish people and the nations, knowing we have asked the Lord to start revival first in us. We will reap a harvest of blessings if we don’t give up doing good (Galatians 6:9).

Let’s not give up the good work of praying for the Jewish people and Israel every day during the Counting of the Omer. We WILL see the Lord work, as we pray, bringing a great harvest of souls in the Land and among His people of Israel – wherever they are scattered.

Day 36

“Today is the 36th day, which is five weeks and one day of the omer.”

Lord of the harvest, would You send workers into the harvest fields to share the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere? (See Matthew 9:38.)

Day 37

“Today is the 37th day, which is five weeks and two days of the omer.”

Lord, remove the veil on Jewish hearts so they turn to Jesus and believe in Him. (See 2 Corinthians 3:15-16.)

Day 38

“Today is the 38th day, which is five weeks and three days of the omer.”

Lord, call Jewish people to repent and turn to You so their sins will be wiped away, and times of refreshing and revival will come. (See Acts 3:19.) 

Day 39

“Today is the 39th day, which is five weeks and four days of the omer.”

May this be the day of salvation for the Jewish people and the time that You, Lord, favor Zion. (See 2 Corinthians 6:2; Psalm 102:13.)

Day 40

“Today is the 40th day, which is five weeks and five days of the omer.”

Lord, please do as You have said for Your Chosen People: “I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (See Ezekiel 36:26.)

Day 41

“Today is the 41st day, which is five weeks and six days of the omer.”

May the Jewish people’s acceptance of Yeshua be life from the dead and spark revival on Earth. (See Romans 11:15.)

Day 42

“Today is the 42nd day, which is six weeks of the omer.”

Lord, fulfill Your promise to make the Jewish people a light for the Nations so that Your salvation will reach people around the globe. (See Isaiah 49:6.)

Week 7 – Encouraging Reminders of How It All Turns Out

The Counting of the Omer enabled God’s people to keep their expectancy in the Lord during the labor-intensive season of growth and harvest. In the midst of our busy lives, with the world’s concerns and distractions all around us, we can lose sight of the hope set before us in Yeshua (Jesus). We need reminders of how it all turns out.

We've listed daily prayer points every week during the Counting of the Omer. This week, we have declarations. We can confidently declare the statements below because they are truths from God’s Word, and He does not lie. These promises of destiny and fulfillment for Israel, the Land and the people will come to pass.

As we declare these truths out loud each day, they will be heard on Earth and in heavenly places. May our hearts be stirred to be faithful, hold fast, watch and pray until the end. He who is faithful and true will bring it all to pass.

Day 43

“Today is the 43rd day, which is six weeks and one day of the omer.”

Lord, not one word that You have promised for Israel and the Jewish people will fail – You will fulfill all Your purposes.  (See 1 Kings 8:56.)

Day 44

“Today is the 44th day, which is six weeks and two days of the omer.”

The “fullness of the Gentiles” will come – whether interpreted as the nations coming to a full understanding of Israel, the full number, or another measurement. (See Romans 11:25.)

Day 45

“Today is the 45th day, which is six weeks and three days of the omer.”

You who have sent the Deliverer from Zion will save all Israel; You will take away their sins! (See Romans 11:26.)

Day 46

“Today is the 46th day, which is six weeks and four days of the omer.”

The Jewish people will recognize Yeshua as they see and mourn for Him. Their leaders will cry out from Jerusalem, “Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!” We who believe in Him will also see our great God and Savior, Jesus the Messiah, fully revealed! (See Zechariah 12:10, Titus 2:13.)

Day 47

“Today is the 47th day, which is six weeks and five days of the omer.”

You will write Your law on the hearts of Your people, put Your Spirit in them, forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more! (See Jeremiah 31:33–34.)

Day 48

“Today is the 48th day, which is six weeks and six days of the omer.”

Jerusalem, the city of the great King, will shine with Your glory; it will no longer be called forsaken but will be called the Throne of the Lord! (See Matthew 5:35, Isaiah 62:1–4 and Jeremiah 3:17.)

Day 49

“Today is the 49th day, which is seven weeks of the omer.”

The New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven from You, God, and You will dwell in the midst of Your people forever! (See Revelation 21:1–8.)

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