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Accepting Yeshua as Messiah

If you are genuinely seeking truth as you wrestle with the question of who Jesus is, God will reveal it to you. The first four books of the New Covenant (New Testament) Scriptures offer a compelling look at the life and ministry of Yeshua. He came to bring each one of us into a restored, loving, forever relationship with God.

Each one of us has done wrong against a perfect, holy God and against other people. This wrongdoing is what the Bible calls sin.

For sin’s payment is death, but God’s gracious gift is eternal life in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.
⎯Romans 6:23 TLV

In perfect love, Yeshua came to restore your broken relationship with God. You simply receive what He’s done for you.

Everyone who calls upon the name of Adonai shall be saved.
⎯Romans 10:13 TLV

Maybe you’ve never prayed before, but would like to begin a new life as a follower of Jesus. Here are some helpful passages you can use to help you pray if you’d like to receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus and start a new life following Him:

Affirm your need, and ask God’s forgiveness:

As it is written, “There is no one righteous—no, not one”.... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
⎯Romans 3:10, 23 TLV

God, I admit that I have sinned. I fall far short of the righteousness I need to be in relationship with You. I need Your forgiveness.

Express your belief in Yeshua. Even if you don’t have all the answers, let Him know you want to know Him, and need His salvation from sin and its consequences.

They said, “Put your trust in the Lord Yeshua and you will be saved—you and your household!”
⎯Acts 16:31 TLV
But whoever did receive Him, those trusting in His name, to these He gave the right to become children of God.
⎯John 1:12 TLV

God, I realize that sin has eternal ramifications. Your Word says that Yeshua died to pay those consequences for me. I believe this, and I thank You so much for this amazing gift. I put my trust in You alone for my eternal salvation.

Confess with joy that you’ve made Yeshua the ruler of your life:

For if you confess with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
⎯Romans 10:9 TLV

God, I believe Yeshua is Lord. I believe He died and rose from the dead for me, to pay for my sins. I want Him to be the Ruler of my life. My own way has led me only to sin and separation from You. Yeshua, I give You my life. Thank You for giving Yours for me.

If you just prayed this prayer of faith in Yeshua, you are a new child of God, forgiven and free! You have been made new, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares: “Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

If you prayed to receive Yeshua, we would love to know! We would love to pray for you and welcome you into the family of God. You may also be wondering what to do next, now that you have placed your faith in Yeshua. Click here to give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll be happy to help you get started in your new relationship with your loving Father and Savior Yeshua.

If you are Jewish or have a Jewish friend who has objections to Yeshua, click here for a sampling of Jewish Objections to Jesus.

To find out more about Yeshua and Messianic Judaism, click here to read “Ten Biggest Lies about Yeshua, His Jewishness, and What Some Call ‘Jewish Christianity’”.

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