Our hearts ache with yours over all that’s happening with Israel. Stay updated on what’s going on, what you can do and how you can pray. Return to this page often to find video updates, prayer guides, and a way to donate where 100 percent of your gift will go toward helping Israelis in this time of trouble.
Support Israel and the Jewish People
For those of us who call upon the name of the Lord, those suffering in Israel are not just headlines or numbers. As David said in Psalm 122:9, we can say that the Jewish people and their neighbors in the Land of Israel who are suffering, mourning, held hostage or being tortured in Gaza are “our brothers and friends.”
100 percent of your gift today will go directly to help Israelis suffering amid the horrific crisis. Through our 80+ ministries we partner with in Israel throughout the year, your support will help:
- Provide trauma counseling and mercy care to those who lost loved ones to terrorist violence
- House, feed, clothe and care for individuals and families displaced by the conflict
- Provide trauma counseling and mercy care to those who lost loved ones to terrorist violence
- Care for pregnant and single mothers who were already vulnerable even before the conflict broke out
- Care for lone soldiers (those serving in the military without any other family in Israel)
- Transport emergency aid supplies throughout Israel – including areas close to the Gaza Envelope, those Israeli communities nearest the Gaza borders
- Host prayer gatherings, worship services, and other ministry meetings to care for Believers and seekers needing comfort from the Lord and one another
- Continue desperately needed evangelistic, discipleship, and humanitarian efforts across the Land of Israel.
Thank you!
Video Updates
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Jewish Voice Statement on the Crisis in Israel
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, ‘May peace be within you.’” — Psalm 122:6, 9 (NASB)
This past Shabbat, on what was to be one of the most joyous days on the Jewish Calendar (the end of the Feast of Tabernacles and the celebration of Shemini Atzeret – a day when Jewish people celebrate one more day in the Lord’s presence after the seven-day Feast of Sukkot – and ‘Simchat Torah’ – the Joy of the Word of God), the people of Israel endured their darkest day in a generation.
As of this afternoon, only two days after Israeli borders were breached, over 700 Israelis have been confirmed dead, either fighting for their country against those who wish to destroy it, or murdered innocently at parties, in the streets of their towns, and in their own homes and living rooms. And, shockingly, many nations around the world are already responding by vilifying the nation of Israel and the Jewish people – whitewashing the atrocities of militant terrorists!
In the midst of such unprecedented terror on Israeli soil, and as heart-wrenching photos and videos continue to surface on international media, it is hard to know what to do, or how to pray...Today, it’s important to remember that for all of us who call upon the name of the Lord, the Jewish people and their neighbors suffering and mourning in the Land of Israel and the over 130 Israelis currently being held hostage or tortured in the Gaza Strip are not just headlines or numbers; as David declared, we say that they are “our brothers and our friends.” And so we pray for peace — for shalom.
We will keep you updated throughout the coming days on ways you can pray, and we’ll do our best to keep you updated on events on the ground as we remain in touch with family, friends, and ministry partners in Israel.
Thank you for your enduring love for Israel and the Jewish people. Now, more than ever, they need your care, your support, your advocacy, and your prayers. And now, more than ever, we ask you to join us in praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6) and for all those dwelling in the Land of Israel.
Jonathan Bernis & Ezra Benjamin
Pray with us:
- That the righteousness of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would take hold of all remaining terrorists hiding or wreaking further havoc within the borders of Israel, bringing peace to the cities and kibbutzim that have been attacked
- That any future attempts to attack Israel from any side be thwarted right now, thereby restoring peace to the region
- For comfort and shalom for families mourning the loss of friends and loved ones who paid the ultimate price defending their country or who were murdered in cold blood while going about their daily lives
- For shalom beyond understanding for those awaiting news about the condition or whereabouts of family members dragged across the borders of Gaza. And pray these hostages are released alive!
- For peace in the hearts of Jewish Believers throughout Israel – some of whom have already lost children to the war. Pray the Lord would strengthen and comfort them so they can be a light and a comfort to their communities in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name
- For Believers currently engaged in active combat and serving in sensitive military operations – there are many. Pray that the Lord would cause His peace to reign in their hearts as they defend the Land God gave to the Jewish people and as they defend those living in it. Pray for strength, wisdom, and protection for these brave men and women in Yeshua’s name
- For peace between Messianic Jews and Arab Christians – that the unity of the Holy Spirit would enable them to remain in strong relationship with each other during a time when those relationships are tried like never before
- For our 80+ ministries we partner with in Israel throughout the year – especially those located in southern Israel – that God would give them wisdom, divine strategy, and protection as they begin to respond in the midst of this crisis
- That many in Israel would, in the midst of this dark hour, encounter and experience the Prince of Peace and come to know their promised Messiah, Yeshua, who binds up the brokenhearted and who gives peace that this world cannot give
Other ways to pray for Israel
An Open Letter in Support of Israel and the Global Jewish Community from Leaders in the Messianic Jewish Movement, Jewish followers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah
As representatives of the global Messianic Jewish movement and in solidarity with the greater Jewish community, we affirm our standing with Israel in defense of our homeland. Our hearts are broken to see this present evil perpetrated against Israel. The current war against Israel has united the people of Israel and we stand united with them. The attack against Israel by the terrorist organization, Hamas, has also stirred up antisemitism around the world. The Messianic Jewish community takes a strong stand against the rise of antisemitism being perpetrated upon Jewish people in many nations.
We are committed to rally support from the larger Christian circles where we have some influence, encouraging our Christian friends to stand with Israel and our Jewish people at this perilous time. In fact, we call upon our Christian friends in this open letter, “Do not remain silent during this critical time of rising antisemitism!” (Isaiah 62:1)
We are committed to provide relief aid to the more than 200,000 displaced Israelis. We are committed to do whatever is in our power for the sake of Ahavat Yisrael.
As many as 1,000 IDF soldiers on the front lines are Jewish followers of Yeshua (Jesus) and three have already lost their lives in defense of Israel…more have been injured. We are not merely bystanders. We stand in full solidarity and are willing to pay the price for being Jewish and having a national Jewish homeland, Israel, along with our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world.
We do believe in the power of prayer to the Almighty, the G0D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are thankful for the hostages who have been released but continue to pray for release of the remaining hostages who are still being held in captivity. We pray comfort and healing for the families of those who were murdered on October 7 and the following days, for the many thousands who have been injured and for all Israel.
We recognize the suffering among the civilians of Gaza who are forced to pay a terrible price for the misdeeds of their Hamas leadership who instigated the war against Israel. We also stand in earnest prayer for their well-being and healing.
We pray for the safety and courage of our people around the world who have become targets of hate crimes against Jews simply because we are Jewish.
We pray, as the psalmist prayed, that the Maker of heaven and earth who neither slumbers nor sleeps, keeps watch over Israel. (Psalm 121:1)
Jonathan Bernis
President and CEO of Jewish Voice Ministries International
Marty Waldman
President and Executive General Secretary
Toward Jerusalem Council II (TJCII)
David Brickner
CEO and Executive Director of Jews for Jesus
Jonathan Cahn
Author, President of Hope of the World/Beth Israel
David Rudolph, PhD
Director of Messianic Jewish Studies
Professors of New Testament and Jewish Studies
The King’s University
Dr. Richard Harvey
British Messianic Jewish Alliance
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram
Co-Founders of Maoz Israel Ministries
Avner Boskey
Director, Final Frontier Ministries
Matheus Zandona Guimaraes
Rabbi of Har Tzion Messianic Synagogue
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Marcelo Miranda Guimaraes
Founder of Teaching From Zion Ministry
Avi Mizrachi
President of Dugit Outreach Center
Tel Aviv
Dr. Jeffrey Seif
Executive Director
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Paul Wilbur
Wilbur Ministries
Dr. Mitch Glaser
Chosen People Ministries
Nic Lesmeister
Executive Pastor, Gateway Church
Director of Gateway Center for Israel
Dr. Sam Nadler
President, Word of Messiah Ministries
Benjamin Berger
Spiritual Leader
Congregation of the Lamb on Mount Zion
Kobi and Shani Ferguson
President and CEO, CCO
Maoz Israel
Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer
President Emeritus, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute
Lawrence Hirsch
Executive Director of Celebrate Messiah
Dr. Dan Sered
Chief Operating Officer
Jews for Jesus
Benjamin Juster
Tikkun America, Inc.
Russ Resnik
Rabbinic Counsel
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Brian Greenaway
Maoz Israel, UK
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Dr. Michael Brown
Founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries & FIRE School of Ministry Online
Dr. Daniel Juster. Founder Tikkun Ministries.
President, Restoration from Zion
Hylan Norman Slobodkin
Rabbi Emeritus
Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
Seattle, Washington
Rabbi Dr. Richard Nichol
Founder Ruach Israel, Boston, Massachusetts
Rabbi Ari Waldman
Senior Rabbi, Baruch HaShem Messianic Synagogue
Dallas, Texas
Borys Grysenko
Senior Rabbi, Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation
Kyiv, Ukraine
Robert Wolff
Majestic Glory Ministries
Israel Q & A
Answering some of the commonly asked questions about Israel
What Does it Mean to “Stand with Israel” and “Bless Israel”?
When you say “Israel,” are you talking about the country, the land or the Jewish people? Podcast: S1 E14, E15, E16
What’s the Difference Between Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Israel? Podcast: S3 E10
What’s good and not-so-good about Christian Zionism? Podcast: S2 E8
Who are the PLO and the Palestinian Authority?
Where did the Arab-Israeli conflict start?
Is Islamic extremism really a threat?
Why is Israel such a hotly contested piece of land?
What does it mean to “bless Israel”? Podcast: S1 E46
Has God replaced Israel with the Church?
What’s wrong with Replacement Theology?
Does the Bible Say the Church is the New Israel? Podcast: S1 E37
What are some of the inherent problems with a belief that the Church replaces Israel? Podcast: S1 E36
What is the role of Gentiles in the Church as it relates to the Jewish people?
How are Gentile and Jewish believers in Jesus to live together?
What is the importance of being one in Messiah?
How does God feel about Israel?
Why should Christians pray for Jerusalem? Podcast: S3 E3