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Pray for Operation in the Anointing and Authority of the Lord

May 09, 2019

A Surprising Veteran of Israel’s War of Independence

April 30, 2019

Passover Gifts for Holocaust Survivors

April 30, 2019

The future of Israel's government remains uncertain

April 26, 2019

32 Minutes in Israel’s History

April 22, 2019

Messianic Jewish Passover Devotion, Day 2

April 20, 2019
In the Passover Seder, the unleavened bread is called The “Bread of Our Affliction.” It is to remind us of how the people of Israel suffered during their slavery in Egypt. They bore painful sorrows in their hearts and heavy burdens on their backs.

Messianic Jewish Passover Devotion, Day 1

April 19, 2019
On that long ago night when God’s final plague swept through the land of Egypt, the angel of death came to take the firstborn of all families. But when he saw the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorframes of the Jewish homes, he passed over and spared them the sorrow of death.

Messianic Jewish Passover Devotion, Day 8

April 18, 2019
At Passover, God was setting things up to introduce Israel to an entirely new future. He was in the process of freeing the Jewish people from 400 years of slavery. He had a plan for them, and He was bringing it about. They eagerly expected Him to unfold His plan and make it their reality.

Messianic Jewish Passover Devotion, Day 3

April 18, 2019
We are in the midst of the Feast of Unleavened Bread that follows Passover night. For seven days, Jewish people are to eat nothing containing leaven (such as yeast and baking soda). The day before Passover, Jewish people search through the entire house to remove all leaven.

Through the Eyes of a Young Hebrew Slave

April 17, 2019
What would it have been like to be in Egypt thousands of years ago on the night of Passover Every Jewish person alive at that time had been born into slavery, as were their parents and grandparents Generation upon generation knew only the bitterness of forced labor and mistreatment
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