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Reflecting on Shavuot

May 29, 2020
For Believers, Shavuot is also a celebration of God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out on early Believers on the Shavuot after Yeshua’s death and resurrection (Acts 2).

The Anticipation of Shavuot

May 28, 2020
Shavuot marks the end of a season of anticipation. It is a harvest festival and one of three pilgrimage feasts of the Jewish year. For such holidays, each physically able, adult Jewish male was to travel to Jerusalem to present his offering. Today, Shavuot is a time of celebrating the gift of the Torah. Many Jewish people stay up all night reading it with family and friends. When Shavuot morning dawns, they pray together and read the Ten Commandments.

This is an urgent call to prayer

May 27, 2020
This year, we experienced a Passover like never before. The whole world was behind closed doors, praying for protection from a “plague.” As a result, Believers have been connecting globally through technology to worship, pray, seek the Lord and declare the Lord’s blessing over their cities and nations.

Join us in prayer for GOD TV!

May 26, 2020
Will you join us in prayer during this critical time, for GOD TV, Ward Simpson, and Shelanu TV as the authorities in Israel decide the outcome of whether this network can continue? Let’s pray together for God’s blessing on this ministry and for His will to be done!

Future Glory | Day 7

May 25, 2020
What do we do when what we hoped for in the way we expected it doesn’t happen? Did God's promises to us fail? Does the crush of unmet expectations and snuffed out hope mean that God cannot be trusted or that His promises are no longer true? Of course not!

A Prepared Heart | Day 6

May 25, 2020
Once we learn His Word, He'll empower us to do His Word. Once we do His Word, we'll be able to teach it, and by the very act of teaching His Word we'll learn more about His Word and how to do it. This is a cycle worth repeating!

A Renewed Covenant | Day 5

May 25, 2020
The words God gave to His prophets often told about events in the current time, near future and a time even further in the future. They are always pointing us forward, but what were they pointing us forward to?

Shavuot, A Musical Interlude | Day 4

May 25, 2020

The Stirring Begins | Day 2

May 25, 2020
Ancient Israel had a hope: to return to the Land God had promised to give her. Yet, she had been in exile in Babylon for so long that I’m sure the hope of many began to wane, if not completely disappear.

Ezra-Nehemiah: In 3-Part Harmony | Day 1

May 25, 2020
Our God is the Master Composer. The intricacies He has purposefully arranged on His grand scale of time are often indistinguishable to the human ear, unless we strain to hear. As we journey through the story of Ezra-Nehemiah in the days ahead, listen in for a pattern, a 3-part harmony, as God composes another movement in His song through the mouths of His prophets. See if you can make out the sounds.
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